Stakeholder group ESG engagement
This represents a sampling of actions that Permira may take with regard to ESG. There is no guarantee that Permira will engage in all of them or in any of them across all funds or the business, and Permira may choose to engage in others in the alternative.
Webcasts on quarterly valuations, new investments (including the investment rationale and transaction details) and material developments in the funds, where appropriate.
Quarterly investment valuation reports, including a description of fund and portfolio-level performance. Investor notes produced upon signing, completion and exit of each investment for the buyout funds.
Advisory Committee and Annual Meetings.
- Institutional Limited Partners Association-compliant reporting.
Employee surveys and team pulse checks.
Regular internal ESG newsletter.
- Materiality ESG engagement.
Industry bodies and non-governmental organisations
Annual transparency disclosure to PRI.
Member of British Venture Capital Association Responsible Investment Advisory Group.
Invest Europe ESG Roundtable (affiliate member) and member of editorial board for the Climate Change Guide.
European Leveraged Finance Association – ESG roundtables.
UK Initiative Climat International member.
Fed into the Science Based Targets initiative.
Institutional Limited Partners Association Diversity in Action initiative signatory and ESG Data Convergence Project signatory and steering group member.
Inbound questions identify themes of interest.
We seek to respond consistently as an industry to the evolving regulatory agenda (particularly in Europe and the UK but also noting recent developments in the US and other jurisdictions) on ESG, notably EU SFDR, as well as the EU Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy, Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and UK Sustainable Disclosure Regulations. We aim to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation and, with the assistance of external Data Protection legal expertise, we have established a framework which records the firm’s personal data processing activity, policies and protocols and reviews technical and operational measures designed to protect the firm’s data.
Suppliers are assessed against our environmental policy during tender and in quarterly business review meetings.
- We also request larger suppliers to disclose modern slavery risks and engage with them on potential risk areas.